Events / Activities

Seminar and Webinar : Applied Technology on Traffic Accident Re-construction

Date, time & venue

2024-08-07;18:30-20:00;James Chiu Room – 9/F

Jointly Organized by END, ITD and AMC

Programme Highlight 

The speaker will share his experiences of being an expert witness to assist court in various traffic accident court cases in Hong Kong with his professional mechanical engineering and automotive engineering knowledge to reconstruct the scene of traffic accidents. He has given evidence as an expert witness in courts of law Hong Kong over 90 occasions.


Ir LO Kok Keung FIMechE, FIMarEST

Chartered echanical Engineer and Chartered arine Engineer


PowerPoint in English and presentation in Cantonese

Registration & Enquiries

The webinar is free of charge with maximum of participants of 20 in physical and 1000 by Zoom. For information, please visit END website For registration, please complete the online Enrolment Form at AMC website Successful applicants will be notified before the event. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Benjamin Lam at Attendance certificate will be awarded by email after the seminar 





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